(Exhibiting Sheep? Goto https://sheepandwool.com/for-exhibitors/livestock-shows/sheep-shows/)
Here's some info that may entice you to come and see what it's all about :
Some sheep are White, some are a Natural Colored. Some produce Fine Wool. Others grow Medium to coarse or Long Wool. As some of you may know, all are used for different purposes. Before it becomes the beautiful fiber that you love, it's right here - - 'On the Hoof'.
Fine wools are soft enough to be worn next to the skin. Examples of sheep that are considered Fine Wool are Merino, Rambouillet, and Cormo. Some people enjoy working with Medium Wool which may be used for a wide variety of knitwear, yarns, blankets, and tweeds. Sheep considered Medium Wool are, among others, Corriedale and Columbias. Long wools work well for outdoor wear and for durable goods such as rugs and upholstry. Some examples of Long Wool sheep are Romney, Lincoln, Border Leicester, Shetland, and Icelandic. Heritage or Primitive breeds have a coarse fleece. They are traditionally used for carpets, rugs, and some outerwear. Some Primitive Breeds have a dual coat, which is a fleece with two distinct types of fibers, a coarse outer gaurd hair and a softer wool fiber below An example of this is a Shetland sheep. The downy softer layer of wool is separated from the outer layer of guard hair and is used for fine things such as Shetland Shawls. The two layers of fiber within the fleece may also be blended together or with other fibers.
Wool is a natural fiber with great abilities, strong and durable, elastic, warm even when it gets wet, and is flame resistant. Wool from different breeds is varied in color, & length.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of the exhibitors and learn what a sheep show is all about.
Next Fest: October 19-20, 2024