Sue Muldoon

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Sue Muldoon divides her time between 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional work. She bounces back and forth between photography, web design and graphic design to seatweaving (chair caning, wicker repair, rush, splint, etc.) and basket weaving.

Basketry started as an add-on to seat weaving because there was material begging to be used in more than one format.

Sue’s career has always been creative, from wallpaper hanging and interior painting to a lengthy career in the floral industry as designer and merchandiser. Wood carving, furniture refinishing and upcycling furniture in novel ways using unique materials like leather belts, ties and alpaca wool set her apart from traditional seatweaving methods.

Color is rampant and unapologetic.

She considers her seatweaving work to be part functional and part emotional. Along with repairing chairs, she repairs the memories attached to seats that are in demise and disrepair. The joy on a client’s face, when they see family history brought back to functionality, is inspiring.

Her photography and design work enable her to get the word out about what she does, and her skills in social media are in demand from farmers markets, growers, artists, and authors.

Creating special baskets for her most rapt audience, her grandsons, keeps Sue busy and inspires her to teach them to appreciate nature, natural materials and art.

A frequent instructor at sheep, wool and fiber festivals, art retreats, furniture schools and farmers markets, she enjoys sharing seatweaving and basketmaking with new crafters and artisans.


Creating instructions for each of her classes, she accumulated quite a library of work. She published a 66 page book “Weaving Step-by-Step” released in April 2022. You can see Sue on J Schwankes Life in Bloom on PBS, Create TV, and

You can see Sue’s work at and

Email Sue at


Workshops Available By Sue Muldoon

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Next Fest: October 19-20, 2024